23 Nov

Digitalization as a game changer in the climate emergency response


The Open Climate Accounting System is an open source initiative exploring the application of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and other emerging technologies, such as IoT.

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Est sapiente illo modi.

Global climate accounting - the process of recording climate actors and their actions in respect to the shared account of the planet’s climate state, occurs in diverse set of registry platforms that are individually centralized and collectively dispersed and unlinked. This is often due to lack of trust between actors, resisting to share data that exposes them to scrutiny.

This project involves a software ‘platform of platforms,’ distinguished here as the Open Climate Platform, the development of climate communication protocols, and a shared user interface as portal to the system. The Platform acts as a common integrator that can reconcile climate records and functions from both legacy and DLT-based climate platforms in the pursuit of helping maintain a decentralized ‘ledger of ledgers’. With climate actors and their associated records mapped in a shared network— ranging from countries, to companies to individuals— DLT and other cryptographic tools are primarily used to.

The  project aims to seamlessly integrate the physical world with four general software layer groups. The first layer is the set of existing climate data platforms and databases. The second layer group is the actual 'platform of platform' as the Open Climate is proposed, acting as a common decentralized server. The third is the range of blockchain ecosystems and their internal layers, from consensus protocols to smart contracts and the actual ledger records. Finally, the top layer is the open front-end portal. See stacked image below.

The main open source software development efforts should focus on three main components. First, the decentralized server hosting the cross-platform web application that can integrate multiple existing climate related platforms, so that they can interoperate with common functions and reconciled records. Second, the consolidation of protocols and standards to enable such an interoperable and multi-layers climate accounting ecosystem, and the required governance mechanism to achieve and maintain it. This includes protocols for metadata schemas (eg. for the nested accounting function), as well as shared API functions. And third, a climate portal that allows multi-stakeholder users to interface and interacts with the global accounting system, either directly via the web application or via their integrated platforms.

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